Các hội thảo quốc tế về chất lượng không khí diễn ra trong tháng 11/2021
1 – Climate, Clean Air and Health: An Integrated Approach
Nội dung: Join us for a conversation about the synergies between climate and air quality action, as well as the need for an integrated approach across sectors, agencies, levels of government and society. We will focus on how to engage allies beyond the traditional environmentally focused regulators and agencies to find enduring solutions for air pollution, public health and climate change.
Thời gian: thứ 5 (4/11), 16:30 – 17:30 (giờ Việt Nam)
Xem lại tại: https://www.climatelinks.org/events/climate-clean-air-and-health-integrated-approach
2 – The Triple Win Scenario: Catalyzing Action for Clean Air, Health & Climate
Nội dung: Join WHO Director Dr. Maria Neira, WRI CEO Ani Dasgupta and youth and civil society representatives for a conversation on the synergies between climate, public health and air quality action. During the discussion, the speakers will explore the need to engage allies beyond the traditional environmentally focused regulators and agencies to find enduring solutions to climate change that offer immediate public health and development benefits.
Thời gian: thứ 6 (5/11), 00:00 – 01:00 (giờ Việt Nam)
Xem lại tại: https://www.climatelinks.org/events/triple-win-scenario-catalyzing-action-clean-air-health-climate
3 – Where the streets have no air: South-south experiences on citizen air quality measurements
Nội dung: Representatives from Latin American and African local governments and universities will share their experiences using low-cost sensors to measure air quality and innovative forms of community engagement. As a result, countries can start addressing sustainable development goals by cleaning up the air in their cities.
Thời gian: thứ 4 (10/11), 17:00- 18:30 (giờ Việt Nam)
Livestream tại: https://youtu.be/N41kmzw1gtA (không cần đăng kí)
4 – Decarbonizing Transport for Emerging Economies
Nội dung: Decarbonizing transportation is essential for achieving a net-zero future, but the implementation roadmap is not always clear. USAID, EPA and NREL will lay out a vision for a “whole of government” approach to decarbonizing the transportation sector globally. This will include lessons on domestic regulatory and non-regulatory strategies to reduce emissions from vehicles, as well as implications for the power sector, infrastructure planning, finance, air quality and urban governance. The event will culminate in a discussion amongst a panel of field-based transportation experts on the successes and challenges for emerging economies on the route to decarbonizing transportation systems.
Thời gian: thứ 4 (10/11), 23:00 – 00:00 (giờ Việt Nam)
Livestream tại: https://youtube.com/user/TheUSCenter (không cần đăng kí)
5 – Linking Air Quality Management to Climate Change Mitigation
Nội dung: Hosted by the World Bank Group, the objective of this two-day meeting is to put forward a call for action by COP26 to catalyze clean air efforts around the world to simultaneously achieve climate, health and other sustainable development goals. Panel discussions will highlight the work of OECD, Environmental Defense Fund, WRI, Clean Air Fund, Clean Air Catalyst, UN Environment Programme, WHO and other institutions.
Thời gian: thứ 4 (10/11) và thứ 5 (11/11), 19:30 – 23:00 (giờ Việt Nam)
Đăng kí buổi 1: https://worldbankgroup.zoom.us/…/WN_URHIL9wYTq2xPZ9UDskXAQ
Đăng kí buổi 2: https://worldbankgroup.zoom.us/…/WN_-EgHnPTgTn-qTVT1oGbA4g
6 – Sustainable and Inclusive Solutions for Air Quality and Climate Change: A Virtual Regional Learning Event for Southeast Asia
Nội dung: The event will highlight the need to localize commitments and action to urgently scale-up and realize the co-benefits of addressing air pollution and climate change, with emphasis on driving political commitments to support the implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and the achievement of WHO guidelines for air quality. Further, the event will underline the need to double our efforts to address the impacts of environmental and health concerns on women, youth, and marginalized groups, and ensure that they are represented at all levels of decision-making.
Thời gian: thứ 3 đến thứ 5 (23 – 25/11), 12h – 16h (giờ Việt Nam)
Đăng kí tại: https://www.airmeet.com/e/87606360-3b7b-11ec-8b4f-53de423a6e96
7 – Building back better for clean air: Lessons from Asian cities
Nội dung: This dialogue will present the results of an analysis by UNEP and partners on the relationship and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air quality in the region with specific case studies for Colombo, Sri Lanka, Jakarta, Indonesia, and Kawasaki, Japan. It will also discuss experiences of national and local authorities on air quality management.
Thời gian: thứ 2 (29/11), 10h – 15:45 (giờ Việt Nam)
Đăng kí tại: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=2zWeD09UYE-9zF6kFubccDRDQgpQGRNCvjT_riptjlNUQ08xM1VRVTVBNTRDQVRCSVRSUlVFWjhUNS4u
8 – Seminar on Air Quality and Health
Nội dung: Sharing the scientific basis of the new WHO AQGs and WMO Bulletin 2021 on air quality and climate change; increasing understanding of the health impact of air pollution and its relation with climate change; identifying the key points for coordinated governance on climate change and air pollution.
Thời gian: thứ 3 (30/11), 18:30 – 22:00 (giờ Việt Nam)
Xem tại: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86485510571 (password: 201939)